
Allen was saved from Abuse

One cold evening as Sophie retired for the day, ready to board a bus back home, she heard little Allen crying while pleading for a Boda Boda cyclist to take her home. 

Visibly tired and hungry, Sophie picked up Allen and took her to a nearby restaurant to get a bite. While there Allen narrated her story to Sophie. She was staying with her aunt who was not taking good care of her and was not taking her to school. She continued to narrate that her biological mother took her to her aunt’s place because she was not able to take care of her.

Upon completion of the meal, Sophie took Allen to the police station to report the case of a neglected child, because it was quite late, the police officer requested Sophie to take back the child as the station didn’t have a female officer to look after Allen for the night.

The days that followed saw Sophie move to and from Hoima District making announcements over the various radio stations about Allen, but no one came up to claim her as their own. Sophie decided to enroll Allen into St. Mary’s primary school as she hoped that her parents would claim her at some point. The country went into lockdown due to the COVID19 pandemic and Allen stayed at the foundation. Upon ease of the lock down, Sophie went with Allen to her mother’s local area and looked for the Chairperson Local Council 1 and narrated the story, Allen’s mother came to the offices and was anguished when she saw her daughter, she actually got a stick and attempted to beat Allen up for running away from her aunt’s place. Allen explained that she was being mistreated while there and was not going to school as promised. Her mother told Sophie that she didn’t have any money to look after Allen. The LC Chairperson also added that Allen’s mother was not taking care of Allen’s brothers, and also added that Allen’s elder sister was married off to an older man during the lockdown by the mother, this is the same fate that awaited Allen. 

The LC chairperson permitted Sophie to take Allen into MIK Foundation, she continues to study and desires to become a nurse in the future.

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